The Friedman Lab
Ecology & evolution of microbial communities
Selected publications
Full publication list at Google Scholar
Interactions between culturable bacteria are highly non-additive [pdf]
eLife 2023.
Amichai Baichman-Kass, Tingting Song, and Jonathan Friedman
Interactions between culturable bacteria are predicted by individual species’ growth [pdf]
mSystems 2023.
Einat Nestor, Gal Toledano, and Jonathan Friedman
Positive interactions are common among culturable bacteria [pdf]
Science Advances 2021.
Jared Kehe, Anthony Ortiz, Anthony Kulesa, Jeff Gore, Paul C. Blainey, and Jonathan Friedman
Community composition of microbial microcosms follows simple assembly rules at evolutionary timescales [pdf]
Nature Communications 2021.
Nittay Meroz, Nesli Tovi, Yael Sorkin, and Jonathan Friedman
Community structure follows simple assembly rules in microbial microcosms [pdf]
Nature Ecology and Evolution 2018.
Jonathan Friedman, Logan Higgins, and Jeff Gore