The Friedman Lab
Ecology & evolution of microbial communities

Jonathan Friedman (Google Scholar | )
Principal Investigator
Postdoc Center for Physics of Living Systems, MIT, 2017 (Mentor: Jeff Gore)​
PhD Computational and Systems Biology, MIT, 2013 (Mentors: Eric Alm & Daniel Rothman)
BSc Physics and Biology, Tel-Aviv University (2007)
Jonathan has a background in bioinformatics, mathematical biology, and experimental microbiology. His main area of interest and expertise is microbial community dynamics.

Yael Sorokin
Lab manager
MSc student in Agroecology
BSc Nutrition Science, Hebrew University, 2019.
Yael studies how bacterial cross-feeding is affected by coevolution.

Nittay Meroz
PhD student in Agroecology
MSc Microbiology, Bar Ilan University, 2018.
Nittay studies long-term co-evolutionary dynamics of competing bacterial species and their predictability.

Amichai Baichman-Kass
PhD student in Agroecology
(co-advised by Lianet Noda Garcia, HUJI)
MSc Agroecology , Hebrew University, 2021.
BSc Agroecology & Biotechnology, Hebrew University, 2019.
Amichai's research is focused on metabolic exchange in interspecific bacterial networks.

Hildah Amutuhaire
PhD student in Agroecology
(co-advised by Eddie Cytryn, ARO)
MSc Agroecology, Hebrew University University, 2020.
Hildah is bioprospecting for novel bacterial antifungal secondary metabolites for plant protection.

Bar Meron
PhD student in Biochmeisty and Food Sciences
(co-advised by Tzvi Hayouka, HUJI)
MSc Biochemisty and Food Sciences, Hebrew University, 2021
BSc Food Sciences, Tel-Hai College , 2019.
Bar is studying the evolution of resistance to antimicrobial peptides.

Ami Merlin
MSc student in Biotechnology
BSc Biochemistry in Food Sciences and Biotechnology., Hebrew University, 2023.
Ami studies the dynamics of a bacterial cross-protecting, cross-feeding system.

Stav Almog
MSc student in Soli & Water Sciences
(co-advised by Maya Engel, HUJI)
BSc Biochemistry & Food Science, Hebrew University, 2021.
Stav studies the role of soil colloids in suspended biofilm formation.

Emotional support specialist